Friday, October 20, 2006

The Door

"I can only show you the door. You have to walk through it"
Apparently Jemimah (my dog) decided to do just that. On reflection it might just fascinate me because I was there watching it, but hopefully you get the idea. The bell might of been the trigger to come and have a look to see if their masters are leaving, but I tried ringing it and she looked up but quickly saw there was no point getting in. I tried pretending that I was leaving by myself but apparently Jemimah knows I haven't got a liscence yet either. Now we've learnt to shut the main door when we are leaving.
It is real tricky to get her out of the garage without food and Dad used once let her in the car when he went to pick me up from basketball and she scared the bejjeeves out of me when I got in.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy/ed the movie.


Carolanne said...

Well done!! - just a point of clarification - Jemimah is MY dog. :)
I may not be the one to feed her, wash her, or walk her but if I'm the one who calls, she comes to me, first!

C.J.M. said...

Great movie!
It's very interesting that Jemimah can do this but I've been telling you this for some time now.
Great movie set up!

Anonymous said...

Loved your little movie! Your mum's comment cracked me up. Jemimah is a cutie pie.