Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A New Word for Me

I constantly switch between serious and making some jokes in exactly the same tone of voice. No, I don't have much of what I call a dry humour (making jokes in 'depressed' sort of tones) but it always adds to some of my jokes as they're said in the same way I talk, when I make observation or compliment, so as to remove people's ability to tell if I'm joking or not by my tone of voice. As a bonus, it is amusing to watch people who have not established that I'm not exactly normal trying to look into my face/voice/expression to see how they are supposed to take whatever I just said.

Anyway, when people don't get what I say, I usually said: "I was being sarcastic," or something of the sort. But now I am slightly uneasy about that as it doesn't really always seem to be the right description to describe what I was doing. So now, after a bit of research at, I have decided I will use:

fa·ce·tious ( P ) Pronunciation Key (f-sshs)adj.
Playfully jocular; humorous: facetious remarks.

adj : cleverly amusing in tone; "a bantering tone"; "facetious remarks"; "tongue-in-cheek advice" [syn: bantering, tongue-in-cheek]

1 comment:

Carolanne said...

I have 2 points to make.
1) Were you actually stating that you are not "exactly normal"? What did you mean by that.
2) You remind me a lot of me - funny about that, hey? Facetiousness is a word I like to use and years ago, in a chatroom I used to say it a lot. To soften the blow, I would add that I was being "lovingly facetious". We all used to laugh a lot about that.