Saturday, November 11, 2006

Quick Post

Last Wednesday I had a Middle School Showcase and I was one of the stars. :) I had a really good play that I wish I could have posted, but I am not, in fact, in possesion of the video. It was a radio/television skit and I was thinking of something else I could do on the blog and so I am going to make it soon. On the down side of life, we hadn't been working much because of the showcase but my teacher is now going to give us solid work for the next two weeks :(
On the other upside I've got my Grand Final TOMORROW which I have been practising heaps for and hopefully I shall post soon that I won and a picture of the trophy. Hofpefully I don't go into a pit of despair if I loose.


Anonymous said...

Well I hope you win! Too bad you don't have the video to show here!

Come post as soon as you know that you WON

C.J.M. said...

I can tesitfy the play was really good.