Friday, June 09, 2006

Found it!

Well, as you may have just noticed (especially if you have dial-up. Er, sorry about that), after long and multiple hours trying to put the trailer for our movie on my blog, I have finally tried Plan A (use and it worked! At time of writing at my school, it is a fantastically good long weekend (report-writing day, the normal weekend and then Her Majesty Queen's birthday (of the Commonwealth))and, as Mum has been doing the reports at school and I had nothing better to do, I took another shot of putting the trailer on my blog.

For the record, I have just four days left until the mid-year 2 week holidays. This, for those of you who are American, is one of two week breaks we have in the school year because Australia (or some other country) though it would be a good idea to spread out the holidays to make the school year easier to handle and I think it's a good idea too!


Carolanne said...

Well done, Nathan!
You've done an excellent job and I am genuinely impressed.
Mum. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the holiday explanation from down under.