Saturday, May 05, 2007


First up we have a song that I have been desperately trying to find to put on my Mp3 player then after it is a toyato ad about the classic 'Jezelunko' mark (if you haven't seen the Jezelunko mark then scroll down to my easter highlights post and watch it there):

and 1 more classic ad:


C.J.M. said...

Great ads, Nathan. Well done.
I like the first one, because it is filmed all over Australia and summarises kids having a good time in different contexts. The second one is good as they depict a now aged Alex Jezalenko reliving an event in 1970.
I love the third one, too. I love the look on the kid's face when we he is going to tell the class about the purpose of the Great Wall of China.

Les Miserable said...

Hey Nathan! You want classic tv ads? I gottem. At Classic TV Advertising My favourite is the Marlboro Man before he morphed into a cowboy. C.U. mate. Mal.