Monday, February 26, 2007

Mr. Bean is back









Wednesday, February 14, 2007

An Author's Ponderings

Once upon a time there was a person who was called by the media the 'goanna.' Who was obvisouly a person of utmost importance (which everybody knew who it was) in the News Industary, and they listed all the offences the 'goanna' had done. My dad, on a honeymoon or an anniversary or a general holiday or something with Mum, had the pleasure of meeting a former associate of the 'goanna' and the associate was so fascinating Dad just had to listen to every word he said; which was a mistake. But not because the goanna's hitmen found out about it or anything (I don't think it was completely negative anyway) but because they were in a pool- without Dad's shirt on. So anyway they were in there for a couple of hours and Dad tried to go to sleep- but he couldn't! His back was badly burnt described it as literally every single time he made a move, it felt like someone stabbed him in the back as hard as he could. So anyway years later, like two weeks ago, I was at the beach for a youthgroup get-back-together and I didn't have a shirt on, so I got sunburnt and it hurt. Not quite up to Dad's level, but it still hurt.
Anyway I thought I would tell you that as it was something I was intending to post for a while. But, more to the point of the title, I thought I would tell you about the WIP- my book. Apparently, I had been reading to many Ted Dekker (a fantastic and highly recommended christian author) because books that didn't have a christian plot or subplot, seemed a little bit directionless. Thus, my book had to be christian or risk- well, it just had to be christian or else I wouldn't/couldn't write it. So idea (again) began to pop up in my mind of a story. Not a particully detailed idea, but more one of those ones that you can feel at the back of your mind and you have to wait for the royal flourish for it to enter into the realms of plauible ideas.
That sort of came when I was watching an adversiment for a TV show closer to home. Pretty standard show, but one that had an interesting concept for an episode- the crime scene is in the courthouse. Alas, the add was more exciting than the show, but it got my brain ticking. Of course! That's how you pull of crime in the real world (this is my imagination and observations speaking, not experience of course), those elaborate plans that you read in books and movies are pretty unrealistic to pull off in real life (with exceptions with some naturally ie: prison break); things have got to be blunt. Thus a worldwide organisation started to form in my head.
Then in my research about assasinations I came across two things:
1/ How Harvey Oswald claimed to be so strongly a 'patsy'.
2/ The assasination of a United States of America president that I had never heard of living Down Under by 1 Charles J. Guiteau. He led a life that seemed to be directly controlled by his circumstances (I am defintely not excusing him though of course) such as joining a organisation called the Oneida Soceity which believed in free love, 'christians' who believed that Christ had already come back, therefore absolute perfection was abtainable.
Thus I became compelled by the same question that drove one of the 'forefathers' of the organisation in my story: Dr. Charles K. Phillips: can you control a man by controlling his culture? In The Matrix Has You, they spoke about a philospher named Jean Baudrillard famously (or so they claim) claimed: "The Gulf War did not happen!" This was not some dramatic conspiracy theory, however this was a dramatic way (such as Jean likes it) of stating pretty much how much we could be controlled by the media.
Thus, the organisation in my book really did carry out this, creating lots (don't ask me fo a more specific number just yet) of 'patsys' that are 'controlled' by their circumstances. This was carried out to perfection in the shooting of John F. Kennedy by the patsy Harvey Oswald. They have a choice of course (which is explored in the book later) but some people have been manipulated, at the very least in this book. So, that's why I'm reseaching a little bit about Charles J. Chuiteau in Secret Service documents etc. Wait for my next chapter.
I think I've said all there is to say about this for now, so goodbye for now and have a merry merry life.